Freshwater Adventures

Freshwater Adventures chronicles the story of one company's aquarium full of tropical fish. Our fish are as much a part of our company as we are, and we hope you enjoy their adventures as much as we do.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Jen Brown: Portrait of Grief

Jen Brown's smile has turned to a frown as she's witnessed the untimely deaths of two of her three beloved panda cory catfish. Her only surviving fish is not well, and she fears his imminent demise.
"I am cursed, I think," Brown said Wednesday night. "Someone up in Fish Heaven doesn't like me very much."
The dead catfish were thought to have been infected with a fast-moving fungus. Neither responded to treatment and died within days of being introduced to the community aquarium.
"I loved both of my catfish," she said between sobs. "Now both my catfish are dead."


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