Dave's fish mourn loss of "Gilligan" star

"We were all named after characters from that show, and we feel this loss very keenly," said Mr. Howell, a golden Platy. "Gilligan was a goofy guy but he made you stand up and cheer for him every episode. You just wanted to see this guy win."
Dave Admire's love for the show "Gilligan's Island" inspired him to name his six fish after characters from the TV show. The royal blue Platys are Maryann and Ginger from the TV classic "Gilligan's Island." The golden Platys are Mr. and Mrs. Howell. The yellow-tailed tetras are Professor and Gilligan.
Currently there are no plans to rename Gilligan in light of the recent tragedy.
"I think rather to let him keep the name," Admire said. "In that way, Gilligan will live on forever."
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