We have a new baby ...
just as Nostradamus predicted!

Nostradamus wrote extensively about events in this new century, but the details within the Fifth Quatraine are what caught Flounder's eye. What follows is the full text of the Fifth Quatraine:
"There will appear a small new arrival.
From behind glass orange and his friend bear witness.
From the Parthenon will come great shouts, as
one, only one, comes into the new world."
"If you really examine the fifth quatraine closely, you can see reference to a new arrival. So that's our baby fish," said Flounders. "The birth is witnessed by two beings - one orange and a friend. We think this refers to Orangejello and Gozer. They were, of course, in their glass crib today, so they witnessed the birth from behind glass."
"The rest of the quatraine appears to be a reference to the great celebration that occurred within the aquarium -- notice the reference to the Parthenon -- after the new arrival. Clearly, Nostradamus had our community aquarium in mind when he wrote the Fifth Quatraine."
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