Fish to NASA:
What's the deal, gill?

Fish of the community aquarium gathered today to formally express their concern about NASA's decision to launch Space Shuttle Discovery on Tuesday.
"When a space agency waives its own flight rules in order to launch a vehicle, well, one just has to wonder about the managerial structure of that organization," said Frank the Frog.
Among the critters' biggest concerns are the seven human lives at risk on the shuttle, which suffered damage to heat-shield tiles during launch.
"For an organization to take such risks is outrageous," said Leia, leader of the fish alliance against bad government decisions. "They have already lost two shuttles and two crews to bad decision-making, and now they risk losing a third. Not exactly a stellar track record, now is it?"
The fish sent a letter of complaint to their local congressmen, urging that the government form an independent review panel to approve all future spacecraft launches.
"The days of crossing their fingers and hitting the launch button should be over," Frank said, "but sadly, that is still very much the way things are done down there at NASA. We mean to change that, and with Congress's help, we shall."
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