Freshwater Adventures

Freshwater Adventures chronicles the story of one company's aquarium full of tropical fish. Our fish are as much a part of our company as we are, and we hope you enjoy their adventures as much as we do.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Surviving Pioneers: And then there were two

Of the seventeen tropical fish who were introduced to our community aquarium on inauguration day (Friday, April 15, 2005), only two remain alive.

FroZone the glass catfish and Aubrey the marble molly have endured ick, parasites, fungal infections, assassinations and plagues while other pioneering fish died in the waters around them.

"I don't spend a lot of time worrying about Aubrey," said owner Terri Spears. "She's a big girl and she has proven time and time again that she can take care of herself. Even evil Knuckles McGee knew better than to rumble with her."

Aubrey has thrived in a tank full of adversity. In fact, she is thought to be the world's largest marble molly in captivity today.

"My glass catfish started off on his own, and he was very shy," said FroZone owner Nourisha Wells. "Over time, he's gained three companions and is one of the staples of our tank. He's one cool cat."

Tank officials concede that a number of pioneering fish would probably be alive today if the latest plague had been stopped earlier.

"Whenever we lose a fish, it's a tragedy," said TankKeeper, "but to lose any of our original fish is an especially difficult loss to bear. We have a special bond with those first fish, and losing them is something we always struggle to endure."

A special memorial is being prepared for the pioneering fish who have died during the past year, including Luke the dwarf gourami, Leia the dwarf gourami, Irwin the bala shark, Frank the frog, Darf the black molly, Toby the catfish, One Fish the neon tetra, Two Fish the neon tetra, Fatty Arbuckle the balloon-belly molly, four zebra danios, Whino the dojo loach and Phish the dojo loach.


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