Whino dead!
Parasite takes life of pioneering loach

"Our tank has lost one of the first fish ever to set fin in these waters," said Aubrey, the world's largest molly. "It is a senseless tragedy. Our loaches had more mojo than any fish in the tank. My thoughts and prayers are with Phish."
Phish, our surviving mojo loach, was added to the aquarium on April 15, the same day that Whino and several other fish were introducted to our community tank. Phish appears to be doing well despite the strain of grief he is feeling at the loss of his tankmate.
Whino's owner, Tracy Benbrook, was unavailable for comment. Benbrook had been the subject of a trial last year for the sudden death of Bruce Lee, a beta fish temporarily in her care. Benbrook was cleared of all charges and, by all accounts, was a model fish parent to Whino.
"This is terribly sad," said Koklin Tee, who only occasionally stops to visit our fish. "I wish more could have been done to save this fish."
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