Freshwater Adventures

Freshwater Adventures chronicles the story of one company's aquarium full of tropical fish. Our fish are as much a part of our company as we are, and we hope you enjoy their adventures as much as we do.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Aquarium gets cleaned top to bottom

In a daring move that required five full hours to complete, the tankmaster removed all fish and objects from the aquarium and did a complete water change and cleaning. The result -- a tank that is as clear as a supermodel's complexion.

The blue backdrop was removed as part of the cleaning, allowing fish owners and guests to see all fish better -- especially in nearly invisible pair of glass catfish.

Catching all the critters was a chore. Frank the frog managed to jump free of the dipnet and was chased around the entryway for a few minutes before he was safely captured. The tiger loaches refused to leave their refuge inside the Parthenon, so the huge decoration was added to a bowl with the rest of the fish during the arduous cleaning process.


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