The Top 10 Dumbest Fish Questions EVER

The TankKeeper shares the Top 10 list of the dumbest questions he's ever been asked with regard to our community aquarium. He also added his answers in parenthesis. Remember, there are no
stupid questions, just stupid people.
1. How do you know you're not overfeeding them? (they're alive, aren't they?)
2. What is that black thing floating there? (fish poop)
3. Why is that fish so fat? (It was born that way. What's your excuse?)
4. How come we don't have any really colorful fish? (How come you don't fall over more?)
5. Why is that fish chasing that one? (It's called sex. Ever heard of it?)
6. Why do those long fish bury themselves in the rock? (They think you stink, too.)
7. How can a frog stay underwater so long? (They're magic frogs.)
8. Why is the water so murky? (Because that's the way we like it.)
9. What do you do with the fish when they die? (They all get a state funeral in Washington, D.C.)
10. Why can't we get a piranha? (Because we don't like to watch things die. But in your case we're willing to make an exception.)
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