Fish fail to recognize business casual day

In a bold move that has H.R. professionals reviewing company policies and employee handbooks, the fish of our community aquarium today failed to recognize the business casual dress requirement that was first announced on Monday.
"It's something we never expected," said Dory Winn, human resources manager. "We are carefully reviewing policies in order to find the most practicable solution to this failure to comply with a direct order."
The fish appear unfazed by their faux pas, and it does not appear that their failure to dress business casual is part of any coordinated rebellion against authority.
"If we were just talking about a few fish here, we probably wouldn't have given it a second thought," Winn added. "But not a single fish bothered to dress up. I mean, not one! I would be happy if I saw even one fish in a pair of Dockers and a button-down shirt. I mean, how hard is it to do that?"
Disciplinary options include denying the fish television privileges, spanking them or withholding food. Winn said she expected the H.R. department to arrive at a solution by noon.
The fish who we contacted for this story declined to comment on this pressing personnel issue, citing lawyer-fish confidentiality.
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