Freshwater Adventures

Freshwater Adventures chronicles the story of one company's aquarium full of tropical fish. Our fish are as much a part of our company as we are, and we hope you enjoy their adventures as much as we do.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Clients won over by our freshwater aquarium

A large chain of schools opted to hire PlattForm today merely on the basis of our freshwater fish aquarium.

During an obligatory tour of the interactive office, the client was amazed by our aquarium and all the fish in it.

"For us it isn't what you know about SEO," said Frank Klyman, president of VoCational Schools Inc. "For us, it's how you handle the poo. We can tell from your fish aquarium that you know how to rid the world of poo, so we're trusting you with our marketing budget."

We can neither confirm nor deny that Orangejello was approached about a career in admissions recruitment.


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