Freshwater Adventures

Freshwater Adventures chronicles the story of one company's aquarium full of tropical fish. Our fish are as much a part of our company as we are, and we hope you enjoy their adventures as much as we do.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

World Exclusive!!!
Orangejello to be released Sept. 23

Tank officials are planning to release superstar adolescent Orangejello from his crib and into the general aquarium population on Friday, Sept. 23.

The Mickey Mouse Platy, born June 23, has grown steadily in his isolation crib, and tank officials say they are confident the little fish is ready for release.

"We have given the little guy a few months to grow and get comfortable in his surroundings," Tankkeeper said in an exclusive interview with Freshwater Adventures. "It's simply time to leave the nest. We believe he will thrive once he's with the rest of his kind."

Orangejello's guardian, Corey Smith, has always maintained that she would be ready when the day came to release her little fry into the world, and she is true to her world.

"It's very exciting," Smith said from her tank-side home. "Orangejello was meant to spread his fins and swim, and I know great things are in store for him."

Jennifer Brown, party planner to the elite, has been retained to plan the release party details, ensuring that the party will be worthy of the great occasion.


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