Sister blog ceases publication after 2 months

"I am officially resigning my position as editor of the blog for the saltwater aquarium," Nymph wrote. "The fish will continue to thrive, though the blog will not. Please visit them and always give them your support. Remember: fish are people too."
Salty Speculation documented the life of fish in the saltwater aquarium located in the main office.
Fish-watchers grew frustrated with the blog's intermittent updates, but improvements were being made to the blog just prior to the end.
"Writing about fish is hard work," said Freshwater Adventures Publisher William Randolph SeaHorse. "I am reminded of the old Navy expression, 'If you can't take the pressure, get out of the water.'"
Salty Speculation's run of publication began Aug. 24 and ended almost two months later. The blog is located at Officials have not said if the blog will be taken offline or left as a monument to unfinished business.
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