Freshwater Adventures

Freshwater Adventures chronicles the story of one company's aquarium full of tropical fish. Our fish are as much a part of our company as we are, and we hope you enjoy their adventures as much as we do.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

New employees add new life to aquarium

In a time-honored tradition that dates back to our community aquarium's humble beginnings, new interactive employees today added new fish to our tank.

Randy Dustin, who joined us last week as a web master, added a lemon tetra named Lem. The fish made a quick adjustment to new surroundings and enjoys schooling with the rest of our tetras, including our other lemon tetra.

Koklin Tee, who has been here quite a long time as an analyst on the Internet Account Executive team, added a lemon zambora named Ti-Dou. While Ti-Dou is the only Lemon Zambora in our aquarium, he seems to enjoy swimming alongside his cousins the tetras.

Tank officials added four neon tetras to our community aquarium as well to replace the four tetras who have died in recent months. Our neon tetra population was down to one fish with last week's untimely loss during tank cleaning. Now we have four new neon tetras -- Zappa, Abba, Abra and Kadabra.

In related news, Kelly Schmiedt today announced that her pair of silver hatchetfish are being named after famous Greek warriors Hercules and Achilles.