Freshwater Adventures

Freshwater Adventures chronicles the story of one company's aquarium full of tropical fish. Our fish are as much a part of our company as we are, and we hope you enjoy their adventures as much as we do.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Party time:
Orangejello release set for today!

They grow up so fast! Our baby mickey mouse platy isn't a baby anymore. Orangejello is set to be released today from the plastic crib that has been his home since his birth in June.

"This is an historic day for our aquarium and for the world," said TankKeeper. "Today we release the first fish born in our aquarium into the general population. Orangejello is already famous for his bright colors and charm. We look forward to seeing his interaction with the other fish."

Party planner Jennifer Brown has been hard at work preparing the office for this afternoon's festivities, which start at 3 p.m. with the actual release. A specially commissioned fish cake, fashioned after Orangejello himself, arrived this morning. Special badges that declare "I helped free Orangejello" await party-goers, as do specially-made gift bags filled with goldfish crackers.

Orangejello's owner, Corey Smith, has been an active guardian over her baby fry. It was Smith who agreed two weeks ago that the time had come to release the little fish into the big pond.

"He's always going to be my baby," Smith said, "but I know that it's time to let him spread his fins and swim. I'm nervous but excited."


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