Till Death Did They Part:
Chubby rejoins her beloved Orangejello

"I had the fear that this might happen," said Chubby's close friend Aubrey the black molly. "She told me after Orangejello died that her will to live was gone. She said, 'I consider that my life is over, and I'll spend the rest of it waiting for it to really be over.'"
Chubby and Orangejello's romance was the stuff of aquarium legend when they first began dating last summer, soon after both were added to the aquarium population.
"They were a fabulous couple," said Neon Tetra. "They were both young and beautiful. It's a real shame, but at least they are together again."
Family and friends are gathering at this hour for the start of a funeral procession that will take Chubby to her rest next to the fresh grave of her lost beau, Orangejello. By special invitation, Miss Celine Dion is travelling from Canada to do an a capella rendition of her classic love song, "My Heart Will Go On."
"These two young lights have been extinguished," said TankKeeper in an emotional statement today, "but those of us who loved them will reflect on the warmth of their love for all eternity. May they rest in peace."
For never was there a story of more woe than this of Chubby and her Orangejello.
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