Court awards Heelan full frog custody

Addressing the court, Judge Francis DeGardinia said, "After reading the comments made by Mr. Baxter yesterday, I cannot in any kind of conscience award him custody of the frog."
The judge was referring to comments Baxter made when told his frog was causing trouble at his new home. "Good," Baxter said. "Let him die by the sword, as he has lived."
Baxter wasn't present in court today, but his lawyer scowled at the judge as this pronouncement was made. Baxter's counsel maintained throughout the trial that Heelan, a confirmed heretic, was unfit to be the frog's guardian.
"This court is well aware," the judge continued, "of Mrs. Heelan's devotion to the devil, and despite her terrible blood-lust, this court finds that she is the preferable choice for sole guardianship of this frog."
Heelan's witch trial is still underway. She was unavailable for comment.
It is too soon to say what might happen to Jimmy Legs. He may be moving in with his mother, or he might be sticking it out at the frog-only aquarium, but he's earned himself many enemies there for his aggressive behavior.
He has no doubt become aggressive due to the overabundance of testosterone and hatred seeping out of his fathers pores.
I believe this proves that nurture, not nature, is the clear winner (much to everyone's dismay).
Anonymous, you're just spewing such bilious tripe because you know Jimmy Leggs is the Top Frog of the tank.
And unlike anonymous (coward), I'll sign my name.
Long live Jimmy Leggs.
Jimmy Leggs is a territorial and aggressive frog who does not have any care for others. He is selfish and ruthless.
And for the record - Sammy kicks Jimmy's butt all the time.
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