And then there was one:
Frozone only fish who's been here all along

"He's an enigma in a lot of ways," said TankKeeper of the fish who has thrilled fish-watchers since day one. "There is a lot we don't know about Frozone even now."
The glass catfish are known as solitary creatures but Frozone appears to have no trouble making friends and schooling with other fish of various sizes and origins.
"I can remember when we first got him," said Nourisha Wells, who owns the fish. "He would hide by the filter output spout or among the plants. We were afraid in those early days that he wasn't getting his share of food. Today he's the healthiest fish we have!"
A trio of glass catfish were added to the tank last fall, but only two survive today, including Frozone. There was a period of time last summer when tank officials feared that Frozone was dead.
"He gave us quite a scare," said TankKeeper, "but in the end we found him alive and well. He hides better than any fish we've ever encountered in these waters."
Ceremonies marking the first anniversary of the community aquarium will center around a celebration of Frozone's longevity. Coverage of the ceremonies will be carried live on all networks.
Frozone became the only surviving pioneer fish with the death Monday of marble molly Aubrey. Other pioneer fish who preceded Aubrey in death include Irwin the Bala Shark, Frank Platt, Whino the loach, Darf the black molly, Toby the catfish, Coral and Fatty Arbuckle.
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