Freshwater Adventures

Freshwater Adventures chronicles the story of one company's aquarium full of tropical fish. Our fish are as much a part of our company as we are, and we hope you enjoy their adventures as much as we do.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Cousins across the “pond” doing well

PlattForm’s Production Department recently received kudos from the IOOBK (International Organization of Oh Boy, Koi!) for saving the lives of two nearly frozen Irish-Japanese Koi -- duly named Shillelaigh and Shenanigan. Seems the two Koi were close to death earlier this winter while trapped in an outdoor pond. “It was frickin’ freezing out there,” said Shillelaigh.

This now increases the number of fish in the Production Department to three. Although the Irish-Japanese Koi like each other, they have not found a particular affinity for their brothers and sisters across the pond in the Interactive Department.

“Yeah – we’re all part of the fish family – but those kids over there haven’t lived the kind of hard-knock life we have,” said Shenanigan. “I’m rather non-plussed about the whole thing,” Shenanigan added.

The fish are now resting comfortably in a new tank filled with orange stars and blue diamonds. “All we need now are yellow moons, purple horseshoes and green clovers and we’ll feel right at home,” said Shillelaigh.

Freshwater matriarch Aubrey was informed of the Koi's recent rescue and is said to be considering a visit to the new fish setup across the pond.

"I share in your determination to find common ground among all fishes," Aubrey said in a statement released through tank officials early Tuesday. "In the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we are all fish. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's futures. And we are all mortal."

Freshwater Adventures Correspondent Michael Mackie contributed to this report, which was supplemented by staff and wire reports.


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