When we started our community aquarium with the purchase of 10 fish on April 15, 2005, we had such high hopes. We journeyed to PetSmart with visions of fish dancing in our heads. We shopped. We browsed. We came back with 10 fish. Ten beautiful, seemingly healthy fish.
Now, a mere month and a half later, we have seen four of those original fish die. The six that remain have been joined by more recent additions. Of those, some have also come and gone. But the original six have remained largely unfazed by the constant change that is aquarium life. If there is a common theme, it is that life is short.
Even fish know that life is to be lived to the fullest. You can just see it in their eyes. Look at the way they swim -- fast and with purpose.
Look at the way they eat -- like they've never seen food before, and may never see it gain. Look at how they court -- like spawning young is something to do TODAY. Who knows if there will be a tomorrow.
The fish have also taught us that the one thing you can't change is change, and the one thing that is inevitable is death. And death, whether it comes by the fins of bullies, or by the scourge of ick, is not the end. These fish live on in our memories. We see their favorite swimming areas and remember them. We see other fish like them and that brings them back, too. We know that life is a cycle with a beginning and an end. And change, always change.
For these lessons, we thank the original 10, the surviving six and all residents of our aquarium -- past, present and future.
Where they are now: The original six:Frank "Blue Eyes" PlattSpecies: African Dwarf Frog
Owner: Rachel Platt
Most Often Found: Hiding under the big green plant at tank right
Favorite Food: Not Sure. We rarely witness his feeding
Best Friend: He appears to be a loner
What We Love Most About Him: His ability to fend for himself
Frozone Species: Glass Catfish
Owner: Nourisha Wells
Most Often Found: Hiding within the branches of the big green plant at tank right
Favorite Food: Not sure. He only starting eating in the open a few days ago
Best Friend: The other Glass Catfish
What We Love Most About Him: We can see his insides! (This fish REALLY wears his heart on his sleeve)
WhinoSpecies: Loach
Owner: Tracy Benbrook.
Most Often Found: On the tank bottom
Favorite Food: Pellets
Best Friend: The Artist Formerly Known as Phish (Andy's loach)
What We Love Most About Him: Who doesn't love a noodle that swims?
The Artist Formerly Known as PhishSpecies: Loach
Owner: Andy Schiller
Most Often Found: On the tank bottom
Favorite Food: Pellets
Best Friend: Whino (Tracy's loach)
What We Love Most About Him: Who doesn't love a noodle that swims?
CoralSpecies: Marble molly
Owner: Terri Spears
Most Often Found: Bullying the other mollies
Favorite Food: Anything that she can find
Best Friend: Any available molly (Coral gets around)
What We Love Most About Coral: She's a medium-size fish with a SUPER-SIZE attitude.
Fatty ArbuckleSpecies: Balloon Belly Molly
Owner: Cari Heelan
Most Often Found: Pooping
Favorite Food: Loves see food (he sees food and eats it)
Best Friend: Appears to be a loner
What We Love Most About Fatty: He's a little teapot, short and stout.