We got a gaggle of new fish today. Eric Jones and Matt Brummett are proud owners of a pair of clown loaches. These little guys could grow to 11 inches in length, which would make them the undisputed heavyweights of our community tank. These fish were in a tank full of tiny neon tetras, so we're fairly confident that these loaches won't disturb our other fish.
Sheri Hart got a beautiful sunburst molly named Sunny until it was discovered that the fish is male. So, now he's Sonny. Sheri is his Cher, of course.
Jen Brown took her love of pandas to another level by buying three panda cory catfish. Sadly, one had a fungus on his fins and died after a few hours in his new home. We're going to return him and get a replacement on Monday. The other two are healthy and are the newest addition to our collection of bottom feeders.
Zac got a red black-tailed molly that was apparently injured during transport from pet shop to aquarium. The poor fish is swimming on his side (could be the result of an injured swim bladder) and isn't expected to recover. He remains under observation at Dorothy Jean Memorial Hospital (on Dana's desk).
Roger Sikes also got a red black-tailed molly. His is healthy and doing well.
Mary Admire and Billie Huey got matching 24-karat gold mollies that are the most brilliant yellow. Mary's is the bigger of the two and has already proved itself to be a tank bully. This fish has taken several nips at Frank the frog, who has finally learned to defend himself. Now Frank has developed a habit of "attacking" fish who swim within his range of vision. People are loving this kind of aquarium drama, but the tankkeeper is keeping a close eye on the little guy. He may be getting in over his head.
The tank continues to receive daily anti-fungal treatment in the form of a chemical drop. The green medicine has clouded the water somewhat, but it's a small price to pay for healthy fish.