Orangejello, the brilliant orange platy who captured the hearts of millions worldwide, died today. He was seven and a half months old. Tank officials have not been able to determine a cause of death.
The tiny fish's body was discovered lying face down at the base of the Parthenon at 3:55 p.m. He was transported to a nearby hospital but never regained consciousness. He was declared dead on arrival at 4 p.m.
"There was no apparent trauma and no signs of parasite or infection," said a tank physician who examined the young fry. "We can find no apparent cause of death in this case. It is simply a mystery."
Tank officials noted that as recently as 2 p.m. this afternoon the little fish was swimming alongside the other fish."
"I saw him near the heater," said TankKeeper. "He was by himself but, as always, the picture of health. I just can't believe it. He just slipped away so suddenly."
Fish-watchers unaware of the tragedy were stunned by the news.
"This is a sad day for people and fish everywhere," said TankKeeper via a press release late Tuesday. "He was a fish of the people and our brightest star. Those of us who loved him will mourn his death until the day of ours."
Orangejello was the darling of the community aquarium since his birth on Thursday, June 23. His mother, guilt-ridden over eating all but one of her newborn fry, committed fishicide on July 5.
Tank officials doted on the first baby born to our aquarium and were cautious about his care and upbringing.
"We didn't even release him for three months because we wanted him to be absolutely safe," said TankKeeper. "He was such a great fish -- one in a million."
His release party on Friday, Sept. 23 was a national event that brought thousands of fish-watchers tank-side for a chance to glimpse the handsome orange platy in his new surroundings.
Orangejello took to the aquarium quickly, preferring to school with his own kind. His presence inspired many a story in this publication.
"There's no question he was a superstar," said
Freshwater Adventures circulation manager Reed Moor. "Whenever his profile graced our front page, our traffic when through the roof. He will be missed."
Orangejello began dating Chubby Arbuckle in the fall, and the couple's on-again, off-again romance was the stuff of Hollywood fairytales. Tabloids had speculated that the couple wed on Dec. 18, but the rumors proved false. Chubby was informed of her partner's death and is said to be bearing the news with characteristic dignity.
Corey Smith, Orangejello's guardian, has been informed of his passing and is dealing with the news from her tank-side home.
Tank officials have invited her to issue her own statement when she feels up to it.
An Orangejello death scare on Oct. 18 crippled the entire aquarium community for hours until the tiny fish was discovered alive and well, hiding beneath a coral display near the Parthenon.
Another famous baby fish, Gozer, died on Oct. 24 of injuries suffered weeks earlier during a botched attempt to release him into the general population.